Most Common HTTP Status Code

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol which is a protocol for communicate between web servers and clients.

When we enter any web addresses in the browser, the browser displays our desired result of the corresponding URL in the browser body. But behind the scene, we get so much information about our request. HTTP Status Code is one of them. This code defined, what type of response we get back. If you work on the web-related field, you have to deal with it.

In this article, we are going to learn about some common HTTP status codes. OK, Let’s start to write about real things.

200 OK: When we successfully get back the desired page loaded on the browser which was we requested to the server. It can be any website. This successful response gives the 200 OK status code, That means out request is successful.

201 Created: This code means, our request is successful and successfully created resources on the server. Generally, we get this type of response code when we submit a form successfully on the website. When we provide data with our request that’s result gives us this kind of response.

403 Forbidden: When a user doesn’t have permission to access the requested resource, we get this code. Suppose, you request a user dashboard URL on the browser without giving any credentials about that user. Then you get 403 Forbidden as a response in the headers.

404 Not Found: The most common HTTP code is 404 not found. Almost everyone is familiar with this status code. When we request for a resource which is not on the server, that’s result ended up with this type of status code.

500 Internal Server Error: It’s all about server related problems. When we request the server for something but did not gives our desired result for an internal server problem. But it does not provide any reason for the problem.

That’s all are the most common HTTP status code. You can visit this Wikipedia link for further knowledge.

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