Importance of Problem Solving From My Point of View

To become a good programmer, It’s also important to be good at problem-solving. It’s very difficult to be a good programmer without having problem-solving skills.

At first, it may seem very boring. It seemed to me like this. It might seem why it needs to be a good programmer or a software engineer? Besides, It’s nicer to see the output of software or app rather than programming problem output. Because of software or app has visual output. On the other hand, problem-solving outputs are text or number only.

Importance of solving the problem you might not get to create a basic app or software. But when you try to build a complex application or something like that, you will find why this skill is so important. Because creating a complex app requires lots of logic. And we can build logic by solving problems. As much as we solve problems, our ability to build logic will be that much better and efficient. It taught us how to think. How can I get the best and efficient output? By doing this we can not only improve the logic but also can find many ways to solve a problem. Most importantly, it teaches us to take challenges and solve them in a short time. And once you have fun with it, you can never understand when the time will go and It will become like an addiction.

To be a good problem solver, we have to learn something mandatory. Such as Algorithm, Data Structure, Functional Programming, etc. This helps us a lot in interviewing at the big tech company. Knowing Algorithm, Data Structure, the ability to solve problems is mandatory at the big tech company’s job requirements.

So, to be a good programmer you have to be a good problem solver also. After all, with programming languages, we solve our real-life problems. And the good ability of problem-solving makes this easier for us.

There are lots of good online judge for practices programming problem-solving. Most of them arrange programming contests also, which is good to test your ability. Moreover, The biggest programming competition is ACM ICPC, Where a lot’s teams attend to compete from various universities around the world.

Finally, I want to say, you can be a good software engineer without good problem-solving skills. But to be a highly skilled software engineer there is no alternative to programming problem-solving.

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