51st Blog Post

I published my 50th blog post on this site. This post is all about my blog journey. Though I am not an expert, and my journey is not so long. It will be around one year. I started this website for myself. I always want to know more about technology and improve myself. And I

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Intro of Algorithm

The word Algorithm mostly familiar in Math and Computer Science fields. But this term is not limited to these fields. Informally, algorithms mean steps of solving a problem. We can solve any kind of problem algorithmically. In computer science, the use of algorithms is everywhere. Using algorithms, we can come up with the most efficient

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1342. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero | LeetCode | Python | Solution

Here is the link to this problem. Read the problem description carefully before solving this problem. It’s an easy Leetcode problem. Here we will be given a non-negative number. We have to reduce the number based on some requirements until it gets zero. And then have to return how many steps it takes. To reduce

1342. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero | LeetCode | Python | Solution Read More »

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